The Electro-Equiscope puts subtle energy into the body based on BIOFEEDBACK from the TISSUE SCAN by an input/output mechanism. Scanning and autocorrecting abnormal electrical patterns in nerve and connective tissues of the body. Once the electrical patterns are normalized, a healthy biofeedback reading is achieved.
The entire body uses charged electrical signals at a cellular level for communication to perform their day-to-day processes including creating cellular energy, ATP. Exposure to daily stressors including poor sleep, inadequate diet, and exposure to other toxins in our environment disrupt this eloquent system. The body compensates and attempts to regain balance however over time this buildup can manifest as pain, impaired mobility, impaired detoxification, or sleep disturbances.
Microcurrent therapy can help shift the electrical charge of the body back into a healthful balance. At Dynamic Revival we offer the most advanced care for microcurrent therapy using the Equiscope.
Cells and Electricity
Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann received the Nobel Prize in physiology of medicine in 1991 for their discovery that revealed ion channels operate at pico-ampere (or one trillionth of an amp). The two scientists monitored the communication of cells in the nervous system with a proprietary measuring system. They found that tiny electric signals cause the release of a transmitter chemical, which encourages the opening of ion channels on cell receptors.
The Equipscope can deliver an electrical charge at a low enough power so that it opens cell ion channels without damaging the cell or diminishing its charge. This helps balance its conductivity and restores its normal function.
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